Statuette of very structured design, displaying between cylindrical ears a narrow head crossed by a deep groove. Fetish materials are embedded in the umbilical hollow.
Brown satin patina.
Slight erosions.
Formerly referred to as "Niam-Niam" because they were considered cannibals, the tribes grouped together under the name of Zande, Azandé, settled, coming from Chad, on the border of the D.R.C. (Zaire), Sudan and the Central African Republic. The Zande, or "those who own a lot of land", use two types of statues: Kudu statues with a height between 30 and 50 cm represent ancestors. There are also so-called Yanda statues of 10 to 20 cm, in animal or human form, having an apotropaic role which were exhibited during the divinatory rites during the rituals of the Mani-Yanda society. The neighboring groups, Banja or Mbanza, Ngbandi and Ngbaka, produced similar statuettes.  


This item is sold with its certificate of authenticity

Estimate shipping cost

OriginCollection belge.
Material(s)wood, cauris
Height cm27
Width9 cm
Weight0.35 Kg
Estimated datingmid-xx°

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