African art > African mask, tribal art, primitive art > Guro mask

Guro mask (N° 23501)

Treated in the style of the famous "master of Bouafle" this mask is split with long oblique eyelids. The fine nose dominates a narrow mouth with tight lips. Born under tiny ears, a chiseled beard contours the face. The braided hairstyle, which can symbolize horns, forms a diadem at the top. Shiny black patina, minimal abrasions.
br>Among the group of Mande from the south, in the center of Côte d'Ivoire, on the banks of the Bandama, the Gouro are organized into lineages, and constitute the neighbors western Baoulé who borrowed several characteristics from their creations. Animists, since the 1950s, they have used a family of masks associated with the Zaouli dance. Priest and diviner share the predominant ritual functions among the Guro. Secret associations worship the geniuses of nature, through the masks in which the spirits are believed to reside. Their protective spirits called zuzu were worshiped through statues placed on altars. The gu, gye and dye masks, in the hands of notables, are only exhibited during major funerals or the enthronement of a chief (Kerchache)  


This item is sold with its certificate of authenticity

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OriginEx-collection Mercier
Countrycôte d'ivoire
Height cm36
Width19 cm
Weight0.80 Kg
Estimated datingcirca 1960
Socle inclusOptional

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