Pongo Textile - African art

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African art > Textiles, Kuba velvet, Ncak nsueha Bushoong > Pongo Textile

Pongo Textile (N° 24897)

Produced by the pygmies of the Ituri forest in the Democratic Republic of Congo, these fabrics woven from ficus bark fibers were painted by women. The men cut the wood and hammered the bark, and the women generally used a decoction of gardenia mixed with charcoal ash to draw with the help of fingers or vegetable stems patterns similar to the tattoos worn by members of the tribe. On this copy with a dense texture, grids of different formats have been drawn on the light background. The rhythm and the space created between the different signs would also have a link with the polyphonic songs thanks to which the Mbuti pygmies of Ituri address themselves to God. Soft touch texture. The Mangbetu, in contact with the Asua pygmies, produced a similar type of cloth (called tapa in Oceania) decorated with more complex symbols called murumba or nogetwe. This type of fabric, if it was not worn as a loincloth, could be stretched over the interior walls of the huts. Ref. : "Art without equal" J. Volper; "Africa, the Art of a Continent" ed. Prestel.  


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Countryrdc ex zaire
Material(s)ecorce de ficus
Height cm77
Width40 cm
Weight0.10 Kg

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