African art of the Voltaic regionsNamed Pakhalla by the Dioula, the Koulango formed the Loron in the Voltaic territory. The chiefs Dagomba of the Kingdom of Bouna would then have called them " Koulam " (singular: koulango , subject, vassal). Their complex history has spawned a culture no less complex. It is between Burkina Faso and Comoé, in the north-east of Côte d'Ivoire, that their territory extends. An imist fetishistic religion, they address their ancestors and the spirits of nature through sculptures in which the soul of these spirits are supposed to reside. A feminine figure of fertility, long, she has a ringed neck and a carefully braided hairstyle, divided into several braids coming together in the nape of the neck, and scarifications in the shape of a coffee bean. Hands come to rest on the bust. Necklaces of fine white beads surround her neck and hips. Soft oiled patina, localized erosions.
180.00 € Possibility of payment in 2x (2x 90.0 €) This item is sold with its certificate of authenticity
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