This flat African mask is of yela inspiration, from the characteristic striations and pout. Yela masks were used by the secret initiation society ekanga. Height on base: 64 cm. The province of Lualaba had several closely related ethnic groups with similar associations. The Mbole and the Yela are known for their statues embodying, according to D. Biebuck, hanged men. Biebuck ,of the hanged, named ofika . The lilwa , an association with dogmatic initiation rites, had the custom of judging and sentencing to hanging those guilty of infractions of the imposed rules. These offenses ranged from murder to adultery to breaking the secrecy encircling the lilwa . Dishonored, the bodies of condemned persons were not given any burial and were buried in the forest. It was during the end-of-initiation ceremonies, presided over by a notable isoya , that these statues were exhibited, presented lying on a litter. In addition to this type of figure, the Yela carve effigies of ancestors. The Yela worship nature spirits and ancestors.
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