African art > Chair, palaver seat, throne, stool > Kaguru stool

Kaguru stool (N° 22641)

Old circular seat, with a slightly concave center, carried by three feet. The decoration consists of opposing geometric patterns, finely engraved on the uprights.
Contours and feet eroded.
Gray brown age patina.
In the southern coastal region of Tanzania, around Dar-es-Salaam, a relatively homogeneous group produced most of the artistic productions. It includes the Swahili, Kaguru, Doé, Kwéré, Luguru, Zaramo, Kami. Among these populations, the seats are thrones intended for the heads of lineage, each of them being under the protection of a tutelary spirit. These stools were set apart in shrines named kolelo, guarded by priests.  

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Originex-collection française
Height cm27
Width35 cm
Weight3.35 Kg
Estimated datingcirca 1960

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