Representative of the "first arts" this salampasu type mask is a refined version. The metal slats with which certain traditional salampasu masks are plated are replaced here by a subtle alternation of bands of barely contrasting color. The wide nose remains the classic characteristic, as well as the apparent teeth. Satin patina, erosions. Formerly living from hunting and agriculture, a warrior people, the Salampasu form a tribe of the Lulua group and are settled between the Democratic Republic of Congo and Angola, east of the Kasai River. They are surrounded to the west and south by the Tschokwe and the Lunda, and to the north and east by the Kete and the Lwalwa. A hierarchy of masks, simple wooden kasangu masks and copper-covered mukinka masks, was associated with the society of mungongo warriors (pl. < i>bangongo ). The wearing of these masks depended on a large contribution of livestock, drink, or other material goods from the aspirant who was initiated into esoteric knowledge from the other mask wearers. (Africa, Prestel)
160.00 € Possibility of payment in 2x (2x 80.0 €) This item is sold with its certificate of authenticity
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