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African art - Rider:

The riders are generally made of bronze, but many of them are made of wood. True masterpieces of Dogon, Sao, Bamoun, Yoruba art

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Dogon horsemen
African art > Bronze, leopard, messenger, warrior, statue, pirogues > Dogon horsemen

French collection of African art.
Bronze sculptures depicting mythical Dogon heroes. Green patina. The frequent representations of horsemen among the Dogon of Mali refer to their cosmogony and their complex religious myths. The Dogon blacksmiths form an endogamous caste among the Dogon called irim. Today, they produce weapons, tools, and also work wood. "Masters of fire" associated in the Dogon cosmogony with the primordial beings "Nommo" created by the god Ama, they are also supposed to heal burns. Small metal objects, made using the lost wax technique, were widespread in the region of the inner Niger Delta, copper arriving there thanks to trans-Saharan trade. Excavations on the Bandiagara Plateau have in fact uncovered remains of steelworks dating back to before the 15th century, ...

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Baule Rider
African art > Bronze rider, wooden rider, dogon, yoruba > Baule Rider

Ex. French collection of African art .
Baulé figurative sculpture from Ivory Coast, depicting a subject riding a mount with contrasting proportions. Two-tone patina, kaolin highlights. Minor abrasions and cracks.
Two types of statues are produced by the Baoulé, Baulé, in the ritual context: The Waka-Sona statues, "wooden being" in Baoulé, evoke an assié oussou, being of the earth. They are part of a type of statues intended to be used as a medium tool by the komien diviners, the latter being selected by the asye usu spirits in order to communicate revelations from the afterlife. The second type of statues are the "spouses" of the afterlife, masculine, the Blolo bian or feminine, the blolo bia, which are related to a quest for plenitude by seeking homage to one's ...

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Yoruba rider
African art > Bronze rider, wooden rider, dogon, yoruba > Yoruba rider

Ex. French collection of African art This damaged African sculpture, depicting a rider on his mount, embodies a deified ancestor, one of the many gods, orisa, comparable to Christian saints and who make up the Yoruba pantheon. The statue also evokes the divine messenger Esù or Elégba . The equine, rare in the region, was an attribute of prestige that was reserved for the nobility and sovereigns. This type of sculpture was intended for a Yoruba altar. Black-brown patina. The Yoruba, more than 20 million, occupy the southwest of Nigeria and the central and southeast region of Benin under the name of Nago. They are patrilineal, practice excision and circumcision. Centered on its multiple gods or orisa, the Yoruba religion is illustrated by its altars on which sacrifices are ...

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Dogon Rider
African art > Bronze rider, wooden rider, dogon, yoruba > Dogon Rider

African sculpture of Dogon inspiration depicting a man riding his mount. Thick grainy patina, gaps and erosions.
The frequent representations of riders among the Dogon of Mali refer to their cosmogony and their complex religious myths. Indeed, one of the Nommos, ancestors of men, resurrected by the creator god Amma, descended to earth carried by an ark transformed into a horse. In addition, the highest authority of the Dogon people, the religious leader named Hogon, paraded on his mount during his enthronement because according to custom he was not to set foot on the ground. In the region of the cliffs of Sangha, inaccessible on horseback, the priests wore it, while neighing in reference to the mythical ancestor Nommo.

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Sao Bronze
African art > Bronze rider, wooden rider, dogon, yoruba > Sao Bronze

Used as an amulet credited with apotropaic virtues, this bronze sculpture constitutes, for the Sao, a talisman supposed to protect them from madness. It is therefore worn permanently. The genius who possesses the madman is represented by the rider, the horse, a rare attribute of prestige in these regions of the Sahel, representing the victim.
The Sao, ancestors of the Kotoko, were established between the 12th and 14th centuries in a geographical area extending over the borders between Chad, northern Cameroon and Nigeria. Subjected to successive attacks from their neighbors in Kanem and then to hordes from the East, the Sao had to abandon their lands to settle in the North-West of Cameroon where they mixed with the natives, thus giving birth to an ethnic group called Kotoko. . ...

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