This statuette, referring to a proverb known only to the initiated, is presented frontally, in a posture of self-confidence represented by the arched arms, hands on the hips and legs firmly anchored. Oiled patina, two-tone, abraded. The tribal art of the Lega, Balega, or even Warega, is distinguished by its initiation statuettes, also made in ivory, some of which were kept in a basket for the highest ranking members of the Bwami of various communities. This type of Iginga (Maginga in the plural) tribal art statuette, was the property of the top brass of the Bwami , a secret society admitting men and their wives , and governing social life . This organization was subdivided into initiatory stages, the highest being the Kindi. The statuettes were used as the aspirants were initiated. Each is a representation with a particular form and meaning from which a moral or dogma always derives. The particularity of the Lega, contrary to other ethnic groups, is to judge the quality of their ritual objects according to their efficiency. br /> Sources: "The soul of Africa" S. Diakonoff ; "Art of the Lega" E. L. Cameron.
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