The Luba dominated the Tabwa in the Lake Tanganyika region between Zaire and Zambia. "Tabwa" or " being attached" presumably refers to the system of slavery practiced in the past by Islamic merchants. The Tabwa then regained their independence thanks to the wealth provided by the ivory trade. Just as the influence of the Luba is noticeable in the societies and rites of the Tabwa, the Tanzanian tribes have also marked the tabwa statuary with regard to geometric decorative motifs. This fetish devoid of scarifications has a crest continuing in a long braid sits up to the lower back. The character stands, supported by massive feet. The flat hands draw attention to the abdomen, evoking the importance of lineage, transmission, and seat of knowledge. Herminette strokes left their mark on this ancient statuette, which is cast with a black patina with satin reflections. Desication cracks.
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