The child presented by this type of African effigy would symbolize the matrilineal transmission of power. The female ancestor of the clan constitutes for the Kongo groups a mediating figure. Maternity figures were frequently carved atop chiefs' canes. Shiny mahogany red patina. Desication cracks, erosions. Clan of the Kongo group, the Yombe are established on the West African coast, in the south-west of the Republic of Congo and in Angola. Their statuary includes remarkable maternities. The use of this type of sculpture remains unknown. Among the Kongo , the nganga was responsible for the rituals by activating a spiritual force with an nkondi (pl. nkissi). The term nkisi was then used to designate the notions of "sacred" or "divine". Source: "the Kongo gesture" Ed. Dapper ...
View details Kongo Maternity Statuette
150.00 €
This sculpture of African art Dogon, carved in dense wood, personifies a hermaphrodite ancestor of which a miniature replica represents the child. The posture of the subject differentiates this rare Dogon statue. Dry, matte and cracked patina. These statues, sometimes embodying the nyama of the deceased, are placed on ancestor altars and take part in various rituals, including those of the sowing and harvesting periods. According to Dogon cosmogony, the first primordial ancestors of Dogon, called Nommo, were the bisexual water gods. They were created in heaven by the creator god Amma and descended from heaven to earth in an ark.The Nommo is said to have founded the eight lineages of Dogon and instilled weaving, the art of blacksmithing, and agriculture to their human ...
View details Dogon Statue
450.00 €
In the Kongo clans, this type of African effigy embodies the female ancestor of the clan, a mediating figure. The child would symbolize the matrilineal transmission of power. The Yombe decorated their textiles, mats and loincloths, with diamonds, in relief on the shoulders of the character. These motifs refer to proverbs glorifying work and social unity. Maternity figures were frequently carved atop chiefs' canes. Black patina. Desication cracks, erosions. A clan of the Kongo group, the Yombe are established on the west coast of Africa, in the south-west of the Republic of Congo and in Angola. Their statuary includes remarkable maternities. The use of this type of sculpture remains unknown. Among the Kongo , the nganga was responsible for the rituals by activating a spiritual ...
View details Kongo Statue
230.00 €
The sculpted miniatures of the Kongo clans of northeastern Mayombe. The small Kunyi group, surrounded by the Beembe, Yombe and Lumbu in the Democratic Republic of Congo, is famous in African art for its miniature statuettes embodying founding ancestors or clan leaders, many of them being represented kneeling. This figurative female figure wears a headdress divided into three braided lobes, linear checkerboard keloids are inscribed on her face, and numerous bracelets adorn her wrists. The child she holds on her back offers exaggerated proportions. Shiny orange dark brown patina, desiccation cracks and lack (child's foot).
View details Lumbu Statuette
240.00 €
African sculpture from the area around Dar-es-Salam, on the coast of Tanzania, where the Kaguru, Luguru, Kwéré, Zaramo and Doé tribes live. Carved in dense wood, this figure depicts a female figure carrying a child in her arms. The realistic features are slightly asymmetrical, the pupils deeply sunken, and the caps are pushed back. The protruding, disproportionate ears are cut obliquely. One arm of the child is missing. Matte patina of use, grainy residual encrustations, drippings from libations. Desication cracks.
View details Luguru statue
380.00 €
The linear motifs running through this statuette refer to the traditional paintings of the ethnic group, inspired by the tattoos of the neighboring Asua pygmies and which evolved according to circumstances. Among the Mangbetu from an early age, children of the upper classes also suffered compression of the cranial box, held tight by raffia ties. Later, the hair was "knitted" on wicker strands and a headband encircled the forehead in order to bring out the hair and constitute this majestic headdress accentuating the elongation of the skull. The ancients call beli the anthropomorphic figures embodying ancestors, stored out of sight, and comparable to those belonging to their secret society nebeli. Orange-brown patina, cracks and losses. The Mangebetu kingdom in ...
View details Mangbetu statue
Dogon altar hermaphrodite figure, represented frontally, a cup on the head and the hands joined at the level of the lower abdomen. A female miniature appears in relief on the woman's back. Interesting greyish patina, locally encrusted with grainy deposits. Desication cracks. Carved for the most part on order placed by a family, the Dogon statues can also be the object of worship on the part of the whole community. However, their functions remain little known. Alongside Islam, Dogon religious rites are organized around four main cults: the Lébé, relating to fertility, under the spiritual authority of the Hogon, the Wagem, ancestor worship under the authority of the patriarch, the Binou invoking the spirit world and led by the priest of the Binou, and the society of masks concerning ...
View details Dogon statue
African statuette carved from the Kongo, this female effigy embodies the clan ancestor, a mediating figure. The child would embody the matrilineal transmission of power. The mouth is gaping, the eyes seem exorbitant, underlining the capacity of the ancestress to discern occult things. The use of this type of sculpture remains unknown. However, they frequently formed the motif carved at the top of the chiefs' canes. Dark brown lustrous patina. Abrasions. A clan of the Kongo group, the Yombe are established on the West African coast, in the southwestern Republic of the Congo and in Angola. Their statuary includes remarkable maternities. Among the Kongo , the nganga took charge of rituals by activating a spiritual force with a nkondi (pl. nkissi). The ...
View details Kongo figure
140.00 €
Traditional Kongo sculpture, this statuette embodies the ancestor of the clan, a mediating figure, as evidenced by the scarifications of the bust. The child would embody the matrilineal transmission of power. The Yombe adorned their textiles, mats and loincloths, with lozenges related to proverbs glorifying work and social unity. The mouth reveals filed teeth, the gaze indicates the grandmother's ability to discern occult things. The use of this type of sculpture remains unknown. They frequently formed the carved pattern at the top of chiefs' canes. Satin black patina. Minor abrasions. A clan of the Kongo group, the Yombe are established on the west coast of Africa, in the south-west of the Republic of Congo and in Angola. Their statuary includes remarkable maternities. ...
View details Kongo Pfemba maternity figure
280.00 €
br>The facial scarifications ichi indicate that this igbo sculpture depicts a titled woman wearing a horned crest. She is pictured standing with her arms and legs spread out in a determined attitude, a child on her back. Locally flaked semi-saturated grey patina. Erosions and cracks. Seeional body marks, tattoos and scarifications indicated the grade achieved in the initiation society. This effigy, embodying a tutelary deity, intermediate between men and the god named Chukwu was destined to be placed in the obu (Sing.: obi), houses of the men of the Cross River. The culture Igbo originates from the mythology of the Kingdom Nri of Nigeria, according to which the gods brought to believers palm oil, cassava, and yam-based remedies. These effigies often show symbolic objects, ...
View details Maternity Igbo
740.00 €
Tribal sculpture of the Kongo , this miniature sculpture depicting a motherhood seated in a tailor embodies the ancestor of the clan, a mediating figure. The child on his lap embodies the matrilineal transmission of power. The mouth reveals traditionally lined teeth, while the gaze emphasizes the ancestor's ability to discern occult things. Clan of the Kongo group, the Yombe established on the west coast of Africa, in the south-west of the Republic of Congo and in Angola. Their statuary includes remarkable maternity. Shach the Kongo, nganga was in charge of the rituals by activating a spiritual force with a nkondi (pl. nkissi). The term nkisi was then used to refer to the terms "sacréu-0022 or "divin". The most influential category of the "minkisi kongo" consisted of ...
View details Pfemba statuette